Adventure Camps 2014

Class 3 - Camp Wild
(Aravalli Valley Dhauj near Faridabad)

One of the most exciting highlights of the year was the camp. I had been waiting anxiously, as it was my first time. I would be alone for two nights without my family. I had mixed feelings. I was excited, yet a little worried. I had great fun packing my duffle bag as it made me feel independent. On 19th March, I was ready at 5a.m. at the door holding my bag. Finally we reached school and boarded the bus, giving a flying kiss to mom and dad. I was thrilled to be on my own. The drive to Dhauj was fun filled with lots of singing, playing and beautiful views with fresh air on our faces. Eventually we reached our camp site. We checked into our cottages, then had a sumptuous breakfast. The whole day was filled with fun- filled adventure activities like- Burma bridge, tyre climbing, balance walk, going through the tunnel and many more. All the activities made me feel bold and more confident. The whole day had passed and I had not missed my home!! How surprising!! After a cozy goodnight sleep we woke up to a bright sunny day. It was very beautiful around and we could see the lovely Aravalli hills. After a hearty breakfast, we went for a nature walk where I spotted a tiny sunbird. The day was thrilling. We did rappelling, flying fox and free fall. In the evening we had a drawing competition and lots of more fun filled activities. At night we had a bonfire, we all danced and sang and had a tasty dinner. We were all tired but still did a lot of masti in our tents until we were threatened by our teachers to sleep. Next morning was the last day and we were feeling that we friends would have to part, but by now we were missing our home also. We packed our bags and said goodbye to Camp Wild. We reached school by 4.00p.m and finally said bye to our friends and teachers with lots of good memories. This trip was delightful, enjoyable, cool and we had lots of fun. It taught me to be bold and adjust in not very comfortable situations too. I want to thank all my teachers for looking after me so well that I did not miss mama.
Girdhar Chandok III – B

This year I went to Camp Wild which is in Dhauj. We left our school at 7:10 am and reached the camp site at 8:30 am. When we reached we did many fascinating activities and enjoyed them thoroughly. I did the Commando net the fastest in my class and I think that it was very easy. On the 20th we woke up early morning and had breakfast. After breakfast we went for a nature walk. Then we went for flying fox and shortly after lunch we went for rappelling. In the evening we played some games like cricket and soccer. At night we sat by a bon fire and each group had to do a play or sing a song. Our group did a play on “आलू कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?” Then we danced a lot and after that we packed our bags and slept. In the morning we played cricket. After that we left for Delhi, the capital of India and I was very happy to have reached home.
Prithvi Rajan Khanna III - B

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