Adventure Camps 2014

Camp Kyari - SYAT (Near Kotabagh, Corbet Reserve Forest)

Have you ever wondered how it feels to wake up at 4:30 am, to be without electricity and internet? Well, we the children of class 6 have experienced this strange and interesting situation, in our camp trip to camp Kyari Syat. So we woke up very early to reach school to begin this exciting and adventurous journey. After a long journey we reached camp and everyone took a sigh of relief. But our camp journey had just begun. As we looked we saw something which almost made us faint. There was a long uphill trek. We walked and walked and walked and walked and finally
reached camp.
We had a light lunch and the camp organizer briefed us on what we will be doing on camp. We were about to start our very first activity, ‘The Bird Egg Hunt’. We were divided into groups and at the end the group which had the most eggs were declared the winners. We did have lots of fun, learnt interesting facts about birds and reached back to our tents with gleaming and tired faces. The chilly coldness of the night was marred by the warmness of the bonfire and lulled us to sleep.
Next day we woke up at 6:30 am to the sounds of birds and got ready
to trek down to the stream to do rappelling. It was very exciting. Then we made our way to the fresh water canal to do bodysurfing. We all wore lifejackets, got into the stream and automatically the water took us along! We did bodysurfing as much as we could and then it was time to go for a hearty lunch back at camp. This was followed by flying fox which was absolutely breathtaking.
All of us woke up in the morning at the start of day 3 feeling excited as it was our last day at camp but also looking forward to the day ahead of us. We were going to the jungle for a river trek all the way down to Gurar Tal. We started off in jeeps and were completed awestruck by the picturesque view of the wilderness. After reaching the site we jumped into the crystal clear stream after which everyone got to cook food (peeling boiled potatoes) which was an amazing experience and we could finally all go home and say we cooked something! After a long day of fun and frolic we had to trek back up the hill and get into the jeeps which took us out of the forest safely back to camp. Then at night we all participated in a talent show with a surprise element at the end, wherein the camp organisers performed a traditional folk song and dance leaving the spectators enraptured. Everyone went to sleep early for we all wanted to wake up early and get home.
On the fourth and last day of Adventure camp to Kyari - Syat we woke up to mixed feelings as we were very excited to go and meet our family , but were also upset that it was the last day of adventure camp and our experiences in the past 3 days were the best times in our lives! We left Camp Kyari after having a scrumptious breakfast taking with us all the wonderful memories that the camp had showered on us, moments which will be cherished lifelong.

Class3 | Class4 | Class5 | Class6 | Class7 | Class8 | Class9 | Class10 | Class12

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