Adventure Camps 2014

Corbett - Kyari (Near Corbett National Park) - Class 5 Adventure Camp

Tring, tring, the alarm clock rang. I rushed and quickly got ready. I sat in the car and drove off to school thinking today and the next three days are going to be the best days of my life for this year. It was time for the adventure camp. After a little while I reached school and bid my parents goodbye. About half an hour later all the children loaded their luggage in the bus and we drove off to camp Kyari near Jim Corbett National Park.

After a long journey we reached the camp area at around half past twelve and were sent to our comfortable mud huts with our teachers. After we settled our belongings we had lunch which was delicious and got a bit of rest. Next, we went on a long trek where we saw beautiful saagwaan, bamboo, mulberry and mango trees. On our way we also saw silk worms and a whole lot of wheat. We came back and had French fries for our evening snack and then gathered around a small bonfire where everyone performed something short and sweet. After a whole lot of fun we had a terrific dinner and went off to sleep.

The next morning we got ready and had our hot cocoa and were very keen to know what was going to happen during the day. We went for body surfing which looked pretty scary and exciting but, ended up being marvellous even though we got drenched. We had to wear life jackets and float in the canal. Everyone did it multiple times and we had to take a shower when we came back. Post which we had our own time and could do whatever we felt like. A bit later we had a fabulous lunch and left for the jeep safari where we saw peacocks, goats, horses, saambar deer and a few birds. We came back, had our evening snack and sat a bonfire to watch the boys perform their skits. We then had some music on and had dinner. We soon fell asleep as we were very tired.

Next morning we followed the same schedule but it was “Mission Impossible” instead of body surfing. We had a lot of fun, and made it “Mission Possible”. We were tied to a rope and had to pick up the given things without touching the earth. We came back had lunch and next went off for rappeling. It looked quite easy from the bottom of the hill but not from the top. Some people were so scared that they did not even try it but i did and it was a wonderful experience. We next had evening snacks and bonfire and this time the girls performed skits. After a bit the results were announced and our group won the first position. We then had the best dinner ever and fell asleep. The next morning we were very sad as we didn’t want to leave Camp Kyari . We loaded our luggage and left for Delhi. We reached school at around three o’clock and met our parents. We told them the whole story minus our “private talks” We miss you ...Camp Kyari!!.

-Tishya Kasliwal

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