Adventure Camps 2016
Class 3

Class 3 - A Joy Trip to Dhauj
I woke up early before the alarm bell rang. Yippee!I felt so excited that I brushed my teeth hurriedly, to go to school! We were going to our first adventure camp to Aravalli Valley! I clattered down the stairs, dragging my favourite pink bag along to school. All my friends in school, with their colourful clothes and bags, chattered non-stop. We could not wait to go!
On the bus, we sat next to our friends and the countdown began for the buses to roll down the street towards Dhauj, on 8th March. We had the best bus ride, as we played fun games and composed a few hilarious songs.
Finally, we reached our destination. Feeling hungry, we ate yummy breakfast and anxiously went for rappelling. I was a bit scared, but I had fun! After lunch of hot and yummy rice and rajma, we went to the obstacle course, full of balancing beams, climbing tyres and nets. The teachers then asked us to start practicing for a play competition for the next day. After dinner, we went for a night walk under the twinkling stars.
The tiring long day, insisted us to sleep early, in our cosy cottages.
The next morning, after a quick breakfast, we went to the Burma Bridge. We had to climb a ladder, fastened to a rope and walk across a bridge of sticks and had a splendid experience doing Zip Lining and Rock Climbing.
In the evening, at our bonfire, we acted out our plays. Some plays were a great success and the teachers congratulated us!
The next morning, I remembered, it was our last day. I felt a little sad, but I was glad to go home!
The entire journey was thrilling and we found something new to learn at every step.
The journey through the villages was enriching one, getting to see the Aravalli hills, blossoming green lawns with beautiful cottages, coupled with fun filled activities and delicious food, left me with a fabulous experience!
Kaavya Saha Mukherjee - Class 3C

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