Adventure Camps 2016
Class 4

Class 4 - Camp Baaghan
Fun Experience at Camp
The trip to camp Baghaun was fun as we experienced a lot of things. We went to the village for a morning walk. We also went to a school and learnt new things from them and played Khokho. Next day we all were sad that we were leaving soon and that night we had a big dance and tuck party! The day we were leaving we got sugarcane after breakfast and boarded the bus to Delhi. It was a great vivit and we should all thank the school for a lovely trip.
Raemana Panda IV – B

Oh! It was an awesome experience of being part of Camp Baghaan. The three days were throughly jubilating. Excitement mounted as we all gathered at the entrance of the school at 6:15 am. Soon we were ready to clamber into the huge buses. The atmosphere in the bus became hilariously noisy. After three hours of sitting in the bus we reached Baghaan Orchard Retreat. We marched into the dining hall for a light breakfast. We were allocated rooms and escorted towards them. Post lunch we were divided into groups for the adventure activities. Rappelling and wall climbing were most popular. Later that evening we saw a documentary on wild life after we had had scrumptious pakoras and sweet and sour lemonade.
Next morning the visit to the local village was an intriguing experience. It was very knowledgeable to see the differences between that school and ours. That evening we had a bonfire where children enacted plays and asked riddles. Next morning we were up by 6 and after a yummy hot chocolate, off we went for a walk near a canal. We returned for breakfast and continued the rounds of various activities such as candle making, pottery, zip line and theatre workshop. March 11th, we headed back. Our experience at Baghaan was out of the world. The place was beautiful with lush green trees and the atmosphere was filled with tranquility. Class 4 really had a smashing
Saara Mehta IV- A

Camp Baaghan orchard retreat

On 8 March we went to Camp Baaghan for a school trip. We were there till 11 March.
That morning, I was very excited because my father had just been there and said that it was the best camp he had been to. We reached Camp Baaghan and we could smell the pleasant smell of crops and Mango Trees.
we went inside and were given food on plates and bowls made out of leaves. After lunch the teachers told us the things we would do like Rappeling, Wall climbing, Zipline, Commando net etc.
Then we were sent to our cottages to keep our rucksack/duffle bag then were sent to eat dinner and then slept.
We woke up at 6:00a.m. . By 7 o clock, we were ready to go for a trek around the village then we went to the village school and made drawings with the children and played khokho too. After that, we walked back to the camp and were told what we were going to do in groups. My group did wall climbing and Rappeling, both of them were about30- 40 feet high, it was exciting
After everybody in my group finished we were free to play Basketball, Soccer, Badminton, cricket, khokho, frisbee, Kabbadi and skip then we watched documentaries on animals and ate dinner and slept.
We woke up at 6:00a.m. , And by 7 o'clock we went for a trek around the camp's Mango Orchard. We came back and my group had a lot to do like Zipline, candle making, pottery, commando net and Burma bridge. Zipline was a lot of fun but it was slow. I thought candle making would be boring but it turned out to be very good.
Commando net was very easy but nice and fun .Burma bridge was good, easy and fun.
Pottery was nice but I didn't like getting my hands dirty. We were then free to play anything until the evening when the camp Organisers put up a slide show of our photos. Most of them were embarrassing and funny we enjoyed seeing them. Then we ate Cadbury chocolate for a treat, ate dinner and got ready for bed. Some of us were sad that it was the last day and some were homesick and happy to go home.
Day-4 (time to leave the camp)
We woke up to a surprise that we could eat sugarcane which we enjoyed. We then
ate breakfast and left for Home . I was sad to leave but happy that I would soon be home to meet my dog and kitten.
Arsh Chauhan IV - B

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