Adventure Camps 2016
Class 7

Class 7 - Adventure Camp - Ranthambore

We left school at around 10:30 am, our destination, Nizamuddin Railway Station to catch our train to Ranthambore! All of us were pretty excited about our trip so imagine our disappointment when we found out that there was a SIX HOUR journey ahead of us!
Finally, after playing cards and a lot of snacks, we pulled into Ranthambore Railway Station.As we walked out the exit, my friends and I were expecting to some claustrophobic jeeps, but were pleasantly surprised to find five open top buses waiting to take us to the camp! After a while, we arrived at Sher Villas campsite. We were allotted rooms and given an orientation, then we dropped our luggage in the tent and ate dinner.
Next morning, we drank our daily Bournvita and coffee while others played around. Then we had a filling breakfast and the activities started.
The first thing we did was free fall. We also had a discussion about tigers with the manager.Late in the afternoon everyone was excited about our promised safari! Unfortunately, we didn't see anything interesting, just some peacocks and deer. We were extremely disappointed, even more so when we found the other jeeps had seen a total of 8 tigers!
On the second day, we set off on an early morning safari, once again hoping to see a tiger. This time we got lucky. Not only did we see a tiger going through our convoy of jeeps but we saw an even rarer sight: a leopard! Today we did rappelling and were even allowed to swim in the pool! In the evening we had a dance party and a series of performances by our peers. Anticipating a long day ahead of us we turned in early.
Many people were homesick and couldn't wait to get home but most of us wanted to stay and couldn't believe we were leaving! So after another long journey by train we reached Delhi. I think this adventure camp was pretty good and I can't wait for the next one!

By Vijit Mann and Ayush Bhatia

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