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12th February 2002 - Page 4
Q & AOn Wednesday, February 6, Guru Singhajit Singh and Charu Mathur of SPIC-MACAY performed Manipuri dances for the entire school.
An interview: 

LEFT: A sketch by Mr. Bala of the performers.
RIGHT: A file photo of the traditional manipuri dance.


Going over their weekly training schedule one morning, the soldiers of a certain regiment noticed that their annual trip to the rifle range had been cancelled for the second time, but that their semi-annual physical-fitness test was on as planned
"Does it bother anyone else," one soldier asked, "that the Army doesn't seem concerned with how well we can shoot, yet is extremely interested in how fast we can run?"

A young camel asked his father, "Why do we have humps on our backs?"
"Well they store food when travelling through the desert," answered his father.
Later the young camel asked, "Why do we have long eyelashes?"
"To stop sand blowing in our eyes," comes the reply.
Finally he asks, "Why are our toes linked by pads?" "To stop us sinking in the ground."
"So Dad," counters the young camel," what are we doing in London Zoo?"

Nikhil Awasty


Mallika Singh, Nikhil Awasty, Govind Grewal, Piya Kishore, Ashish Aggarwal, Rishab Sareen, Shivin Marya
Sports Desk: Varun Garg and Vikas Venugopal

Editor: Aatish Bhatia
1. Did your family encourage you to get into the field of Manipuri Dance?
Charu Mathur:
My family was always fond of dancing. I come from the Mathur family which is very fond of all the arts. My mother encouraged me a lot and helped me out during my first performances.

2. For how long have you been dancing?
Guru Singhajit Singh:
I have been dancing all my life. When I was 10 years old I was a drummer and then at 14 years of age I became a dancer. My first performance was in front of the then Prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

3. Do you get as much appreciation when you perform abroad?
We in fact get more appreciation when we perform abroad. They are very open and show a lot of interest in 
Indian arts- the tradition, the costumes.

4. Do you think that the youth is being influenced more by the western culture?
Yes, lately there is a growing trend towards it. Spic Macay has been doing good work. It is a normal part of growing up to be influenced by the western culture, as long as we don't lose our traditions, our culture and that we learn to appreciate it.

5. How do you see the future of Manipuri Dance?
I see a bright future. There will be a slow but steady progress. It will take a long time to grow, but once it grows it will be greatly appreciated. 

Mallika Singh
Govind Grewal

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