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  Senior School | SUMMER PROJECTS 2010


English and Hindi Reading lists

Class 6 || Class 7and 8 || Class 9 and 10 ||
Class 11 and 12

Class 11 Psychology

Class 11Accountancy



Travelogue Prize 2010
WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS SUMMER?? Would you like to share your experince?
Read more about it


Two age categories: 18 and over, and Under 18 (with parent/guardian permission)

Living Climate Change invites you to show us your vision of a future shaped by climate change, as we move along the path toward reduced carbon emissions.

Living Climate Change, an online community hosted by IDEO, presents a conversation designed to move the dialogue about climate change toward inspiring, human-centered scenarios that create new possibilities for business and society..

The Challenge
Create an original video that envisions how climate change will impact our lives over the next 20 to 30 years. Looking beyond the doom and gloom and the policy discussions that have dominated the debate, how would you envision a human-centered, sustainable future? Which behaviors will change? Which will be preserved?

The Details
Open to individuals and teams of all ages.
Two age categories: 18 and over, and Under 18 (with parent/guardian permission)

Grand Prizes
One prize of US$3,000, plus a “Deep Dive” half-day workshop with IDEO in each age category (winner to be chosen by our judges).

Honorable Mentions
One prize of US$500 in each age category (winner to be chosen by our judges).

Most Popular
One “Most Popular” selection in each age category to be selected by the DESIGN 21 online community during the public judging period, May 31 to June 10.

Judges include:

  • Dr. Milton Chen, senior fellow and executive director emeritus of the George Lucas Educational Foundation
  • Grace Chen, director of design (math/science instruction), Teach for America
  • Allan Chochinov, editor in chief,
  • Mat Hunter, chief design officer, Design Council
  • Gary Hustwit, independent filmmaker
  • Xeni Jardin, co-editor of Boing Boing
  • David Kelley, founder & chairman of IDEO and the Stanford “”
  • Bill Moggridge, director, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
  • Sir Ken Robinson, creativity and education expert
  • Experts on design and climate change from IDEO, UNESCO, and DESIGN 21

The Living Climate Change Video Challenge is presented by IDEO and hosted by DESIGN 21: Social Design Network.

Deadline for Submissions: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 6pm UTC

Results Announced: Monday, June 28, 2010

Class 8
Science and Technology Project - Project on Environmental Issues

As you all know that people all over the world are concerned about the environment which we all need to conserve and preserve for the future of our planet. Let us all take a step forward and become aware of various Environmental Issues that have caused environmental disasters and issues. Given below are some examples that have occurred in the past. You need to pick up any one topic on an environmental issue and create a presentation on the issue according to the guidelines given below.


  1. Environmental Disaster Feared as La. Rig Sinks; 11 Missing Feared Dead
  2. DDA to take up revival of Neela Hauz in March
  3. Will Icelandic eruption slow global warming?
  4. Bhopal Gas Tragedy: Endless nightmare
  5. Animals sensed tsunami in advance
  6. Bihar devastated by Kosi
  7. Tremor rocks Uttarkashi
  8. Radiation leak in Delhi, five fall ill


Presentation Guidelines

 What you have to do

Every student has to make a PowerPoint presentation on any one Environmental Issue during the Technology class in July

Your science teacher will tell you what sort of information you need to present

Your vacation project is to collect and organise information on Environmental Issue from the internet. You must NOT make the complete presentation in the holidays.


Given below are the instructions for collecting and organising the information that you will collect during the vacation for the project. Please follow these instructions carefully. 
Two types of information are essential

Text: This is the actual information on an Environmental Issue

Pictures: Pictures to illustrate the text 

Optional types of information

  1. Videos, animations
  2. Sound clips

Where do you save the information?

Create a folder called <Your name> Environmental Issue on your computer at home

All files must be saved only in this folder
How you should save the text information

Text information must be saved as a black and white PowerPoint presentation (not more than 10 slides)

The filename must be your full name first name and surname

  1. The text should be sifted and put as bulleted points on each slide

There must be only 1 sentence for each point

For example:

Slide 1: Slide title

Point 1
Point 2

Slide 2: Slide title

Point 1
Point 2
Point 3

The information must not be in paragraphs
The presentation MUST NOT have any pictures or colour i.e. no background, template etc.
How you should save the pictures
All pictures must be saved in the <your name> Environmental Issue folder at home
Whenever you find a good picture, right click and select save as
Give a meaningful name to your pictures, do not keep the same name that was there on the internet
All Pictures should preferably be larger than 300 x 300
Pictures must not be smaller 100 x 100
You must not save thumbnails
You must not copy and paste pictures in Word or PowerPoint
How to send the information
Zip your folder into a .zip file
Make sure the zip file is not greater than 10MB
If it is, break it up into two zip files
It is OK not to zip if you want you can mail all as separate attachments but in a single mail up to 10 MB
E-mail the file or files to before school reopens
Do not send all your files/ pictures in separate e-mails
The folder should be e-mailed to me by 30th June 2010 and not after school reopens
If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at





Complete writing the following in the practical file. Use the Class 11 Text book for information on the 1st practical.





  • Introduction- Definition of psychology
  • Goals of psychological inquiry
  • Definition of a “Psychological Test”
  • Characteristics of a ‘Psychological Test’- Explain standardization (Reliability, Validity and norms, in detail)
  • Types of Psychological Tests
  • Uses of  Psychological tests
  • Conclusion - summarizing



PROBLEM: To assess the intelligence level of the subject using Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Define Intelligence-any two Binet Simon, Weschler, Sternberg
Classical approaches-Spearman, Thurstone, Cattell, Guilford,Jenson
Contemporary approaches- Gardner and information processing models-Sternberg, PASS Model
Assessment of Intelligence
Types of intelligence tests


Description of the test
Materials required
Subject details
Instructions (first person)
Conduction of the test
Behavioural note
Introspective report
Data analysis based on manual as discussed in class
Conclusion- given in grades

2. Use the given question bank to answer any 3, two mark questions; 3, three mark questions;5, 4mkquestions and 5,6mk questions   from the concepts covered in class.(65 mks.)

3.  Watch a film depicting a psychological disorder /learning disability, (recommended ‘Karthik calling Karthik’ ‘My Name Is Khan’ and ‘Taare Zameen Par’ ‘Rain Man’ ’Beautiful Mind’ ,’I am Sam’, ‘Mercury Rising’,As Good as it Gets’ ‘Fracture’ )and answer the following questions:

  • Trace the concept of abnormality  over the ages.4
  • Briefly explain the disorder/disability depicted in the  film.2
  • What are the symptoms of the disorder? How effectively was the character able to emote these characteristics in the film? 4
  •  What form of management/therapy was used to help the protagonist? 2

Painting - Classes 6 -12



A Project on "Vincet Van gogh"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of  size 18"X24"


Class 7A,B,C

 A Project on "Henry Matisse"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of size 18"X24"


class 8 A,B,C.

 A Project on "George Seurat"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of 18"X24"


Class 9 A,B,C

 A Project on "Salvador Dali"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of 18"X24"


class 10 A,B,C

 A Project on "Claude Monet"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of 18"X24"


class 11 A,B,C

 A Project on "leonardo da vinci"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of 18"X24"


class 12 A,B,C

 A Project on "Salvador Dali"

 1)A profile having information-

 About the artist (biography), Paintings of the artists, Distinct style of the artist, How artist inspired you, your rough layouts for the painting

2) Refering the layout, Paint a canvas of 18"X24"


Class:9 - Mathematics  Project

Attempt any one project out of the list provided

Class: 11 - Sociology Holiday Home work

  1. Make a poster/collage/or just written matter (bold) using A3 or A4 on any one ‘Burning Social Issue” like Bride burning; Violence on Women; Crime; Atrocities by the Police; Juvenile Delinquency; Corruption; Child Labour; Issues concerning Women; Road Rage or any other  sociological issue.                                         (6)                            
  1. Take the same topic and collect information, pictures, articles from books, magazines, internet, newspaper cuttings and any other interesting material pertaining to it and hand write on A4 coloured sheets and bind them into an attractive booklet. The last two pages of your booklet should have your personal views on this issue-why you have selected it, what you think of it and also how you think is the best way to deal with it. The booklet should have minimum 10 pages.                          (20)                                                    
  1. Complete the worksheets on Unification of Social Sciences.                           (12)
  1. Do the worksheet on Sociological Perspective.                                                  (12)

   5.  Write a essay on your Yamuna Yatra experience\what you did in school or at home during the 2
         weeks the other students went for the Yatra                                                      (16)

Class 12 - Sociology

I. Frame questions for the questionnaire as per the following instructions:

    • Make 25 to 30 questions -15-17 close ended and 8(minimum)to12 maximum)open ended questions
    • Write the question on both sides of the sheet and leave enough space for open ended questions
    • Make short and crisp questions.
    • Draft to be sent for approval
    • After the draft is approved (final draft) collection of data can start. The instructions for the collection of data will be given in the final draft sent back to you.
    • Number your sheets in the final draft.
    • All the questionnaires-the 1st draft -should reach me by the end of May and by the 2nd week of June your final draft should ready and collection of data should start.
    • Analysis and interpretation of data will be done in July.

II. Do the following question from QB.7-Challenges of Cultural Diversity
Question Nos. 1, 6, 15, 19, 20, 21(2 marks each)32, 35(4 marks each) -20 marks

III. All the students (E3) who got below 50% in their January-April Assessment have to the E1 assessment paper attached to this sheet also as  
       revision work besides the above work.

Class 11 - Accountancy

1. Do research on evolution of Accountancy and write an essay in 200 words.

2. Solve questions 2-5 from Journal .

Class 12 A B C - Accountancy

  1. Complete the Comprehensive and Specific Projects .
  2. Complete the worksheet on Cash Flow Statement .

      3.   Do following questions from the Question Bank.

              i)  NPO - All Questions

              ii)  Partnership – fundamentals  -  Q 15 – 22

              iii) Ratios  - Q  1 - 13

      4.   Solve Questions of ’Part B’ section from the sample papers I and II , board

            papers 2008, 2009, 2010   

Computer Science:
1. Start working on the CBSE Project as per guidelines given in class.
2. Practical File needs to be updated with programs done in first term

Class 12 ABC - Mathematics Project

Attempt the question banks on the following topics
           a) Relations and Functions
           b) Inverse Trigonometric Functions
           c) Matrices
           d) Determinants
           e) Linear Programming
           f) Continuity and differentiability

Class 10 ABC - Mathematics Project


Attempt any one project out of the list provided



Class 11 Economics


Click to view assignment

Class 12 Psychology

Click to view assignment

Class 12 Business Studies

Answer the following set of questions from the Question Bank from the given concepts:-

i) Business Finance:Q1,Q4,Q9,Q11,Q13,Q14,Q16,Q18,Q25,Q26,Q27,Q31,Q33,Q34,Q38,
ii)Marketing Management: Q2,Q3,Q6,Q15,Q19,Q23,Q29,Q31,Q32,Q34,Q37,Q38,Q43,
iii) Consumer Protection: Q2,Q3, Q10,Q14,Q15,Q23,Q26,Q30Q37,Q38

*Please write the questions along with the answers
   * Date for submission- 5th July 2010

Class 11 Business Studies

A Project Report
Prepare a power point presentation on   any one World Famous

Business Entrepreneurs. Your presentation should include:

    1. The background of the entrepreneur
    2. The evolution of the business.
    3. The rise of the business empire
    4. The growth and expansion of the empire and the factors contributing to its stability.
    5. The future prospects of the business.

The last date of submission is 5th July’10 . The work can be submitted on a CD after the holidays or it can be e-mailed to your teacher. The presentations would be discussed in the class .



Prepare a project on a topic of your interest from Psychology textbook. The project should include:-

1. A power-point presentation of around 10-15 slides including research beyond the textbook.     
Make a 10 minute film on the topic using any software you are comfortable with.
The presentation or the film should be mailed on the e-mail addresses given below:- ;

2. An article from the newspaper, journal or internet related to the topic followed by 3-5 thought-provoking questions based on that article.
3. A fun activity related to the topic.
4. Examples of any book/movie/ real life incident that you have come across related to your topic of interest. 

P.S. Please refer to  for the online downloading of the textbook.

Science Holiday homework - Class 8.

Click here to view the presentation

History Class 10 A and C

Complete all the activities related to the Transformation of Paris

Class 11 History

  1. HISTORICAL FILM-  Your Opinion

           How can historical films help or hinder the student of history?

·         Choose  a historical film that you have seen to support your answer

·        Write a  persuasive argument to support your point of view in 500 words


·        Read the book as a secondary literary source of the Indian subcontinent in the 20th century

·        The novel gives a flavour of the period just before and during the partition of India through the eyes of an eight year old girl

·        This period of history was vibrant and had its highs and lows and its impact reflects in our contemporary life too.

·        Looking at the contents of the novel as source material- write a 1000 word essay which views the political and social dimensions of the period and also try to draw parallels with any contemporary issuesyour analysis must have at least 10 references from the novel (you can quote) and 5 questions that come to your mind about the period

·        Refer to or and the novel – to uncover the interplay of historical forces  which culminated in the Independence and Partition of India

Class 12 History

1.From Question Banks 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 select any two 5 mark questions and write the answrs as a recap exercise
2. Question Bank 7 VSA 1,5,9; SA 1-5;LA1,4,5

Class 9 C English

Read To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee and make an interactive presentation for the class.

Read any book of your choice and write a Book Review on it. Refer to the handout to write the Review.

You have been allotted a page in the Julius Caesar magazine. Complete your research, write up and design your page. Send the page to Vasudha Dixit and Namrata Narula by 15th June, 10 so that they can compile the magazine.

Write a letter to Ms. Paro Anand with your feedback on No Guns at my Son’s Funeral. Make sure your response reflects your in depth study of the book. Write the letter on a writing pad and put it in an envelope with her name on it.

Class 11 English

Read the three novels:

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Animal Farm by George Orwell and Catcher in the Rye by James Salinger

Each book will have to represented in any ONE of the following mediums. (Use different medium for different books) 

Interactive presentations (PAIR WORK)- You could make a Quiz, Plan some game ( Word games like-Pictionary, Taboo, What’s the Good Word?, Treasure Hunt or any other

Performing Arts (GROUP WORK)- dramatization or enactment of a scene, capturing a scene in a Freeze, miming or imitations, Sing- compose the lyrics of a song and to sing it in class/ compose music, Dance, Oral Interpretation etc.

Visual Art (INDIVIDUAL WORK)- make a crative representation of the novels through either a Collage or a  Poster or a Painting or a Model/Scupture

For any clarification send a mail to before 10th June.

Class 12 English

Assignments for the Summer Vacations-
Please answer the following questions keeping all CBSE parameters in mind.
Do not take more than half an hour for each question.
 Answer them in your weekend assignment notebooks.

Advanced Writing skills:
·         (pages 15-17)-Question nos.: 3, 13, 23
·         (pages 18-19)- Questions nos.: 1, 6, 16

Letters to the Editor:
·         (pages 23-24)- Question nos. : 3, 7, 12

Letters of  Inquiry:
·         (page 26)- Question nos.: 5, 6

·         (pages 29-30)- Question nos.: 3,5, 18

·         My mother at 66-page 31- Q. no.1
·         An Elementary School Classroom- page 32-Q. no. 1
·         Keeping Quiet- page 33- Q. no.  2

Long answer questions only:
·                Last Lesson- page 39- Q. no. 2
·         Lost Spring-page 40-Q. no.1
·         Deep Water-page 41- Q. no.3
·         The Rattrap-page 41-Q. no. 2
·         Indigo-page 42-Q. no. 4 

·         The Third Level- page 45- Q. no.1
·         Tiger King- page 46- Q. no. 3
·         Journey to the End of the Earth- page 47-Q. no.2
·         The Enemy- page 48- Q. no. 2

CLASS 12 A, B, C - Multimedia Project in Biology

You are required to make a Multimedia presentation on any topic related to a Human Disease. Your presentation must conform to the following guidelines:

1.      The presentations should be made using Microsoft PowerPoint
2.      It should comprise of text, graphics, animation and sound
3.      The presentations time is 10 mins. with approximately 15-20 slides.
4.      A final slide that acts as a reference section/ bibliography that lists all of the sources of information you used. 

Your presentation will be assessed on the basis of the following parameters:

  1. Content
  2. Use of software features and the effective use of Multimedia features
  3. Aesthetics
  4. Communication skills

 The deadline for submission of presentation is 15th July, 2010

CLASS 11 A, B, C

Multimedia Project in Biology

You are required to make a Multimedia presentation on any topic related to Diversity of Life discussing any Kingdom, Phylum, Class or any other sub-group. Your presentation must conform to the following guidelines:

1.      The presentations should be made using Microsoft PowerPoint
2.      It should comprise of text, graphics, animation and sound
3.      The presentations time is 10 mins. with approximately 15-20 slides.
4.      A final slide that acts as a reference section/ bibliography that lists all of the sources of information you used. 

Your presentation will be assessed on the basis of the following parameters:

  1. Content
  2. Use of software features and the effective use of Multimedia features
  3. Aesthetics
  4. Communication skills 

The deadline for submission of presentation is 15th July, 2010

Physics Class 9

Read the handout on 'Force' and attempt the questions from worksheet .Submit it on 6th of July.

Physics Class 11

1. Revise the concept on Measurements and dimensions and attempt the givenworksheets .
Submit them on 6th July.
2. Read Logarithm thoroughly and calculus and learn the formulae from the given handout.

Physics Class 12
Attempt the questions of the concepts of 'Electrostatics' and 'Current Electricity' from year 2007 to 2010 as explained and submit it on 6th July.

English Class 9B

Read 'no Guns at my Sons Funeral' as well as as many books in the reading list as possible in preperation for activities based on the same next term.

English Classes 6, 7 and 8

Read as many books in the reading list provided on the school web site in preperation for activities based on the same next term

English Class 10B NIOS

Read any 2 novels of your choice. Make a list of the new words and written expression .
                          Highlight the characters that fascinate you the most.

Economics Class 10 NIOS

Revise lesson 17-25 from Bk 2

English Class 10

Read as many books from the Book List, this will help prepare for activities in July.

Chemistry Class 11

Multimedia presentation. Date of submission: 5th July

click to view Chemistry Project Outline

Chemistry Class 12

Question Bank on Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acid and Nitrogen compounds   Multimedia competition.   Date of submission: 5th July

click to view Chemistry Project Outline

Geography Class 12

Geography Question Bank-  Complete the questions in the concepts 1 to 4, both in India and World book from 2008 onwards in your Assignment note book.

Economics Class 12

Answer these questions from the question bank in a new notebook. You need to submit these by 5th July, 2010.

  2. CONSUMER EQUILIBRIUM-Q 6, 13, 14, 16
  3. DEMAND-  Q 13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 23, 31, 32,35, 36, 37
  4. ELASTICITY OF DEMAND-Q10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20
  5. PRODUCTION FUNCTION-Q5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16
  6. SUPPLY – Q3,4,, 7,10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23,24

       7.1 COST-Q2,6,7,15,16
7.2 COST-Q3,4,5,7,8,9
8. PRODUCER’S EQUILIBRIUM AND REVENUE-Q8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23