Adventure Camps 2011

Class 5 - Camp Beasi, Rishikesh

I was really excited about going to Byasi for an adventure camp. In fact, I was so excited that I packed my bags 5 days in advance. I woke up half an hour early and I was really disappointed when Mama told me to go back to sleep. Anyway, when I finally got to school, I jumped into the bus nearly forgetting to say goodbye. The next morning, over our hot chocolate, we were told the plans for the day. We were divided into two groups - one group went trekking, while the other went rafting. I went rafting, and I managed to get into a raft with my best friend. After the safety lectures, we set off. I was in the middle of the raft, and the experience of rafting was wonderful. It felt great to skim the crashing waves, and I was disappointed when it ended. Once we got back to camp, soaking wet, we changed and ate lunch. We had a quiet evening playing games and soon fell fast asleep in our sleeping bags.
The next morning, my group got ready for trekking. We got off the bus and began our long trek. We walked, sometimes trudging up steep slopes, sometimes hurtling downwards. We walked through a charming village, crossed an old bridge, and saw a temple too. Finally, we walked down to the river, crossed it in a ferry, and got back to our buses. It was only then that we realized that we had been walking for three straight hours! To cut a long story short, when we got back to camp, we had a sand castle/sculpture building competition. While the others made regular castles, my tent made...a sand crocodile! We got a special mention for 'teamwork' and 'out of the box', and we came second overall! The next morning, we got up at 5.30 and hit the road for our return journey. I had great fun at Byasi, but I must admit that I was happy to see my family again.
Yashoda Jayal V- A



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