Adventure Camps 2011

Class 8 - Jambolana Safari  Dudhwa National Park

After an enjoyable two-hour bus ride and a somewhat tiring six-hour train ride, we reached Shahjahanabad. The jeep ride that followed to seemed never ending and finally we arrived at our campsite at Dudhwa National Park.

We were completely drained out, so the camp instructors gave us time to rest and get settled into our assigned tents. After a wholesome breakfast and filling lunch the whole group was energized to embark upon our first activity.

Soon we were divided into eight different teams and taken to the volleyball court. There we played the most thrilling matches against each other and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Then we went to a lake in the vicinity, where a few of the boys played football and before we knew it, it was time for dinner. After a nutritious meal we went to our tents and slept like logs.

Next morning there was a wake up call at seven and one half of the students went for a safari to Dudhwa National Park while the other half went for a nature walk. The safari was very exhilarating as one of the groups spotted a tiger!

It was already eight in the evening, by the time both groups were done with the activities for the day and returned to the campsite. The camp organizers put up a projector and we all sat together and watched the movie ‘Madagascar 2 : Escape to Africa’.

The days seemed to be flying by and before we knew it, it was already day three of our camp! This day was the most enjoyable of them all. We spent the whole day at the river. We lounged around, played in the water and just lay around and relaxed in the sand.

Back at the campsite, we gathered in front of the screen and watched the gripping quarterfinals between India and Australia, and then after watching an incredible victory for India, we returned to our tents.

Before we knew it, it was our last day at camp and we were saddened that it would soon end. We stayed at the camp the entire day, doing various camp activities in our groups and then at eight, we said goodbye to our campsite and boarded the jeeps to reach the station to catch the train to come back to Delhi.

- Saieeshaa Sethi 8-A

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