Adventure Camps 2011

Class 9 - Camp Syatt Corbett near Ramnagar ( Uttrakhand)

Camp this year for the batch of 2015 began on a negative note.  Most students believed Camp Syatt would be an utter disappointment, but upon our arrival most of them were happy to have been proved wrong. The excitement began with everyone choosing his or her tents and heading to bed, followed by and exciting trek to a river not far from camp. Once there we were given the divine opportunity to start a fire and prepare our own food, which led to nothing but chaos, and a whole lot of fun. On the second, yet tragically final day at Camp Syatt, we participated in 3 exhilarating yet exhausting endeavors, body surfing, mountain biking and building out own rope bridges, which the children of class 9 carried out with the utmost class. This procession, summed up with the drama and excitement of being with your peers for over 72 hours, made for an unforgettable camp, that I’m sure my classmates and I will be glad to experience over and over again.


Kimberley Ireland & Tarini Sardesai

Class 9



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