Adventure Camps 2015
Class 6

I am always excited to go for adventure camps but I was super excited about this one. This was the first time we were going to go to a beach camp. We were going to experience how to live in the simplest of lifestyle. But that did not deter my spirits. We were going to stay in a place called '' Shivpuri Beach camp ''.

DAY 1, 17th March
I woke up at the first call of my mother and got dressed quickly. I had packed my bag the night before and was ready to leave for school. When I reached, I discovered that I was the 7th one to arrive in my class. There was excitement in the air and everyone was gossiping about what tuck they have got and who they wanted to sit with in the bus. During the bus journey, I shared my tuck with my friends. On the way we stopped at Moolchand for breakfast. The long journey finally ended and we reached Shivpuri Beach. We were served lunch and then given time to settle in our tents. In the night we had our bonfire which was followed by dinner. It was a tiring day and everyone was sleepy. Everyone slept early that day.

DAY 2, 18th March
We got up at six in the morning and drank hot chocolate and ate breakfast. We were divided into 4 groups the previous day. Group 1 and 2 were going to visit a local school and do rafting. Group 3 and 4 were going to go for rafting, kayaking and rope courses. After everyone was back from their activities, we were served hot chocolate and given free time. At 7:30 pm we gossiped around a bonfire followed by dinner at 8:15 and slept by 9:30.

DAY 3, 19th March
I got up at 5:30 and lazed in my bed for some time. At 6:30 I went to drink hot chocolate. That day group 1and 2 were going to switch activities with group 3 and 4. That day was my turn to visit the local school. Over there we interacted with the children and got to know that the girls over there play khokho and boys played cricked and kabbadi. One of the girls had to walk 6 kms to reach the school. Rafting after that was fun. We rafted all the way from Shivpuri to Rishikesh. After coming back to the campsite we drank hot chocolate. At night we had a bonfire before dinner. I slept by 9pm as I was tired after the long walk and slept off awaiting the long journey that lay ahead next day.

DAY 4, 20th March
I got up with a mixed feeling. I was sad as our trip had come to an end, but I was also looking forward to meet my family as I packed my belongings. I filled two bottles with "Gangajal''. We left soon after breakfast. After a short lunch break at Moolchand Resorts we reached back school at 5.30 pm.I was thrilled to see my mother and hugged her tight. I enjoyed sharing my recent experience and the excitement of rafting with my family.

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