Adventure Camps 2015
Class 9


We woke up to an excited morning on the 17th of march knowing that in just a few hours we were going to be enroute for camp. This year we were going to camp Kyari Syatt in Jim Corbett National Park and after a thrilling and bubbling bus ride we had finally reached our destination.
After lunch the instructors introduced themselves and told us about the whereabouts of camp. Shortly followed by intense 'tuck' check through our bags ,our teachers allotted us our tents and delightfully everyone was with their friends. We were divided into groups for the upcoming activities that were planned in the next few days. After changing into warm clothes we set out for an adventurous treasure hunt in the dark. All of us were running around the area with our flash lights shining into each others eyes while looking for clues.It followed by a local delicious dinner and right after that we went into our tents and fell asleep as soon as our head hit the pillow.
The next day groups 1-4 went for a long breathtaking trek through which they crossed many streams and were completely drenched by the end. The other 4 groups did activities near the campsite like- bridge making ,body surfing and mountain biking. All the groups met back for a short but tasty lunch.
The following day the groups interchanged their activities so that everyone got a fair chance. Being our last night, the camp organisers planned a thrilling and interesting talent show that was themed "Instructors vs Students". A few students from our batch performed skits, mimics ,songs and dances while the instructors performed a local entertaining dance.This was such an enjoyable night!
We woke up with the birds chirping and as we packed our bags there was a sense of sadness in the air as it was time to leave. After eating a wholesome breakfast we sat in our buses and left for Delhi excited to meet our parent after these 3 adventurous days.
During this camp we all have made such amazing memories that we will never forget .

Arushi Bhutani and Serena Bhullar 9B

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