Adventure Camps 2017
Class 3

Class 3 - Camp Wild at the Aravalli Valley (Dhauj near Faridabad)

The 6th Of March 2017 was our first two night adventure camp with our class mates from school. I had not been able to sleep well the night before as I was full of excitement for the next day. I had made a draft check list of all the things that I did not want to forget to take with me on adventure camp .For our first adventure camp we were going to Camp Wild at the Aravalli Valley (Dhauj near Faridabad).
With my magenta stroller and a small bag pack ( in which i had my tuck ) I reached school at 7:20 am and waved bye to my mother at the school main gate joining all my chattering classmates on the steps of the center stage .There was excited chatter all around .Our class teacher Mrs. Roy took attendance to check if we were all there and the other teachers handed out Holiday Travel Moods caps to all of us .Holiday Travel Moods was our Camp Dhauj Organizer
Finally we all boarded two buses and we were allowed to sit with our friends. At 7:40 am the two buses started moving slowly out of the school gate with all the parents outside waving to us . Our journey to Dhauj had really begun............
In the bus all of us were enjoying our chatter and having fun and even though we were allowed to eat our tuck I was far too excited to eat.
After the two hours bus ride we reached Camp Dhauj and it was a beautiful sight with greenery all around and the Aravalli mountains with the mountain goats .First of all we ate Jam sandwiches and drank hot bournvita milk after which we were allotted our cottages. My cottage was cottage number 8 and I shared it with 7 class mates .It was a girls cottage.
After settling down the camp organizers divided the three sections of class 3 into The Lions, The Tigers and The Cheetahs. My Section 3-B were The Lions and among the 3 teams we had many fun ball game competitions. We also did the the zip line which I loved the most. I did not take part in the rappelling as I was scared but many others enjoyed it .We enjoyed our lunch of kadi chawal and rasogulla and after it we did the balancing stick game ,Monkey Crawling and Tarzan Swing. The best was the Camp Bonfire at night where we danced to lovely music and ate our dinner chattering with our friends.
Whew ! the end of our first long and exciting day we were fully exhausted and cuddled up in the cozy bunk beds in our cottages .Just before sleeping we told each other fun spooky stories .
On the second day after breakfast we went for our fun activities of Burma Bridge, Balancing ball games and my ball nearly made it inside the bucket but just missed! Later we went for a trek on the Aravelli mountains and when we returned we had lunch .After lunch we all wrote and drew about what our five sense organs had touched ,seen ,heard, smelt and tasted at Camp Dhauj. In the evening at camp bonfire groups of seven put up plays for the rest. My group put up a ghost story and I acted as the Police ! Lots of people clapped after seeing our play. During star gazing we were excited when we spotted planet Mars and Venus .After dinner of Rice with Kaali Dal, Nan and salad we went to sleep .I was sad as the next day we were already going back home .
The third day in the morning after games with our organizers we thanked them and went to pack up our things in our cottages. For lunch we ate my favorite dish Rajma Chawal and for sweet dish we ate yummy cupcakes. The return journey to school was again full of fun and I finally ate my tuck. I really wish that our adventure camp had been for 3 nights instead of 2 nights. The teachers were very kind to us and we had so much fun .Thank you to our Camp Organizers for giving us such an incredible fun time. Yeah !!!!!!!!!! At camp Dhauj. I had the most fantastic time ever and I cant wait for my next camp in class 4

Ailina Sarna - Class 3B

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