Adventure Camps 2017
Class 9

Class 9 - Saattal

The morning of 6th March, 2017 saw the batch of 2021 piling into school at the unearthly hour 5:30am with evidences of sleep creases still marring our faces. However, thoughts of our warm and comfortable beds soon vanished as we met our friends and caught up in the excitement of going for adventure camp. Now, the buses just couldn't leave quickly enough.

After a long journey full of games and out-of-tune singing we finally arrived at camp Saat-Taal, not sure of what we were expecting but hoping that it would be fun. We were certainly not disappointed!
The next few days were a whirlwind of activities like rappelling, kayaking, birding, swimming, egg-hunting and not to mention the dreaded treks! We went to work for the villagers to earn our lunch, something we'd never done before but which proved to be a welcome experience for everyone. The customary whines, groans and complaints when we found out that the teachers had once again succeeded in finding our tucks were there, and so were our childish exclamations of vindictive delight when we found a packet of chips they had over-looked. The roasting of peers around the camp-fire, the dramas without which all camps seem somehow incomplete and the late-night parties were there. The competitive spirit of wanting your team to do well, the united loathing of the despised treks and the wonderful feeling of satisfaction you get after an exhausting yet amazing was all there.

This adventure camp was by no means lacking in any aspect. I speak for everyone when I say that this really was an amazing camp in which all the students enjoyed themselves!
Thank you

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