Adventure Camps 2017
Class 8

Class 8 - Camp Taapu Sera

On the 6th of March, instead of crawling to school the students of class 8 ran with glee towards the school gate. With our camping equipment's on the buses, we set out for an eight hour journey to Camp Tapu Sera in Dehra Dun. With high enthusiastic spirits we spent the bus ride filled with laughter and of course, our much needed tuck.
We spent our first day admiring the beauty that was; Tapu Sera. With green, lustrous trees, the flowing stream, the chirping of the birds and the smell of the soil, it was the perfect camping spot. We spent the rest of the evening doing energising activities followed by a born fire and dinner.
The next morning we were divided into three groups to go for three different activities: Belay School, the Trek and rock climbing. The trek was tiring, with us exercising all our muscles in our body. It truly was like a standard test in the wilderness! By the end of it, the 'Bicchu Buti' did not spare any of us and we rubbed each sting. After tremendous efforts we finally conquered the massive mountain and our eyes were exposed to the beautiful, serene waterfall. It was followed by a dip in the stream and brought back memories of the splash pool in junior school! In the evening, one of the groups was taken to pitch their own tents on the other side of the river as we were going to camp outside. It rained cats and dogs the entire night and all of us were haunted by the thunder claps and lightning outside!
The second day which was our last day (unfortunately) we went rock climbing and as we started the Belay School activity it started raining again and this time non-stop! We had to rush back to the campsite and take shelter underneath the main hall. Well, the rain didn't really ruin our whole day. The camp organisers came up with some fun, competitive activities and we spent the rest of the day trying not to have a 'FROZEN 'situation! At night, our desi talent, hit the dance floor with some Bollywood music and we danced like there was no tomorrow.
The next morning, everyone was frantically packing their suit cases, getting ready to leave. We took a last glance at the beauty that surrounded us unlike what we find in Delhi. The time flew by in the bus ride just as it had in the past three days. Now we cherish the new bonds and memories we made in Adventure Camp 2017,like the McDonalds motto each one of us can say 'I'm lovin'it!'
Arshya Gaur and Devashii Sahu

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