Adventure Camps 2017
Class 6

Class 6 - Class VI, Shivpuri (Rishikesh)
When it was time for our class to go for Adventure Camp, all of us were full of anticipation of what may happen in the three days ahead in Rishikesh. We were looking forward to camping, rafting and adventure activities with our friends.
We reached school very early in the morning. The bus rolled off at about 6 am for Rishikesh. The bus journey was mostly full of tuck and cheerful chattering. There was excitement in the air. Enroute we stopped at Moolchand for breakfast and it was well after 1 pm when we got to the Camp at Shivpuri (Rishikesh) where we had scrumptious lunch and then we were allotted our tents and tent mates and settled in.
Later we divided ourselves in groups and played a few games. Over the bonfire and a starry night, we sang songs and after dinner we slept early as we were tired from a long journey.
On the second day at Camp, we woke up at 6 am and got ready. After breakfast, we were ready to go rafting. We were full of excitement as some of us had never been rafting before and we were told that there would be big rapids for us to go over.
The Camp guides made sure that we got into the right gear, we were made to wear a life jacket, helmet and were each given a paddle. Thereafter, we were given a safety instruction by the river guides before we got into the rafts.
The rapids came in all shapes and sizes and they had funny names. Three blind mice! Mickey Mouse! Crossfire! Good Morning! Some of the bigger rapids were Grade III rapids and we enjoyed them. Many of us even jumped out of the rafts, holding the lifeline in the river for a thrilling experience of white water rafting!! After lunch some of us went back into the river to kayak and then through an adventure course that consisted of rappelling; rock climbing and zip line.
When we retired early in the evening, all of us were very cheerful of a day well spent with adventure & water activities in the River Ganges!
Our next day was chilly with some rain. We were made to stay in our tents till the weather cleared. One of the groups then went off hiking up a hill to a nearby temple which was exhausting. We celebrated the success of our last two days at Camp with a Disco evening wherein we danced till quite late.
It was time to head back home and we left the next day full of memories of a trip well spent with friends that we will cherish these moments for times to come and we look forward to our next Adventure Camp in Class VII.
By – Myra Prasad and Sara Jayakumar

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