School Camps 2018
Class 4

Class 4 - Bhaggan , Garh Mukteshwar, (Uttar Pradesh)
12TH- 15TH March 2018

I just went to the adventure camp to Bhaghaan at Garhmukteshwar. We did a lot of activities there like zip lining, pottery and candle making and played various games. This was seriously my first camp. Before I left, I was afraid I would get homesick but....THAT NEVER HAPPENED! One thing I really like about the camp was that our cottages were beautifully done. And the second thing, that the camp organizers gave us hot chocolate every morning and after dinner late at night. Mr. Pandey would tell us stories near the bonfire. The camp was a good experience for me because we lived without our family and managed our own luggage for 3 days! Wow!! Now that is what I call an experience! We went to visit a government school. The children from the school came over to Camp Bhaghaan to teach us their village game called 'Anda Toll.' We also had lunch with them on huge banana leaves. (That was a surprise lunch!) We went on a bullock cart to see the nearby village and how they make cow dung cakes. We went for morning walks every day and on one such walk we saw a water flour mill that uses the force of water to run the chakki. We had a lot of fun!! And this surely was the best camp ever!!

Khandro Mevo IV - A

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