
School Camps 2018
Class 6

Class 6 - Alwar Bagh, Sariska (Rajasthan)
12TH- 15TH March 2018

On 12th March, the batch of class VI gathered at 5:45 AM outside school, all ready and excited to embark on the four hour bus journey to the Alwar Bagh Resort, Alwar, Rajasthan for a fun-filled three nights/four days school camp. Our buses left from school at 6:30 AM and after a joyful ride with lots of singing, chattering, munching our tuck and a short bio-break at McDonald's, we reached our destination at 10:30 am. We were allotted all rooms and after freshening up, we all enjoyed the scrumptious lunch. We then went to see the "Ram Bihari" palace, which was initially built by the 3rd king of Alwar and known as Kishanpur palace to the locals; was restored recently by Ram Bihari Kaushik and thus named after him. The palace has a beautiful view of the Siliserh lake and is a 300 year old heritage fort. On our return, we played few games and went off to sleep after a hearty dinner.
Next day, we woke up at 6 am and after half an hour of warm-up yoga and games, we had our breakfast and then prepared for our "Talent Night". We visited "Bala Quila", went for a village walk, watched a film on wildlife and then went off to sleep after dinner.
On 14th March, we went for bird-watching and really enjoyed the melodious sounds and saw a variety of birds like "Purple Sunbird", "Black Drongo", etc. After breakfast, we had a lot of adventure sports' activities and also learned the art of basket-making. After lunch, we left for the much-awaited "Sariska" safari where we all saw deers and peacocks but few also got lucky enough to spot owls and a tiger chasing a deer. On our return, we saw a folk-dance performance and after dinner, we all performed for our "Talent Night" show. Exhausted, we all fell into a deep slumber on our last night there.
The next morning, we woke up with a heavy heart and packed our bags. We visited the nearby "greenhouse" in groups and after lunch, we bid goodbye to Alwar Bagh and boarded our buses for the return journey. We reached our school at about 4:30 pm, where our parents were eagerly waiting for us and our stories. Thus ended our short yet fun-filled trip to Alwar Bagh with lots of memorable moments and plenty of tales to tell for many days to come.
Kyra Dhar 6B

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