School Camps 2018
Class 9

Class 9 - Campus Naukuchiatal, (Uttarakhand)
12TH- 15TH March 2018

Quaint tents nestled away in the misty wilderness, topped off with duffel-bag loads of glee and adventure. That was Adventure Camp 2018, for class 9!
Apart from a manoeuvre down the lane of team-work and companionship, this time we actually took part in getting to know each other, not just as classmates, but as friends.
Early morning bickering, exchange of stories at meals, uncontrollable butterflies at team games and soulful laughter at senseless jokes,
is Camp in a nutshell.
However, the highlight of the trip for most of us was kayaking! Even though Titanic's fate was on repeat in our minds, we couldn't help but cull out a wet, splashy battle with our oars, paddle off to admire verdant mangroves, and run our fingers through the icy cold waves.
Another binding activity was trekking, where we crunched our way through sunburnt foliage and got a chance to blackout the urban jungle and marvel at every convolution and cranny of nature.
Independence and responsibility has been the objective of every adventure camp. However, this time we seemed to develop much more. We developed trust and empathy, through the pats-on-the-back when anyone of us fell, or the assuring grips of a helping hand. It may have been the norms of growing up, or the anticipation of taking on upcoming responsibilities, but this time we stood up, on our rather mud-laden, sun baked legs, for each other.
Over rather heated-up games of Bluff, strategic blurs over Monopoly and the most ridiculous humming of tunes from every era of musical history by our Acapella-Adeles we made our way through our favourite time of the year.
Katyayani Jha 9C

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