School Camps 2018
Class 5

Class 5 - Iris, Corbett National Park, Ramnagar, (Uttrakhand)
12TH- 15TH March 2018

When we boarded the bus at around 6: 30 a.m. on the 12th of March, there was a buzz of excitement going on (obviously: we were sitting with our friends)! As we waved goodbye to our parents, I realized that this trip was going to be great fun It took a long ride in the bus for us to finally reach Gajraula to have breakfast. It was a boring six hour journey before we reached Iris Resort & Spa in Ramnagar, Jim Corbett. Some of us even slept to pass the time. After a wait at the reception, we went into our rooms,chatting with our friends. Just by taking a look inside our rooms, we got to know that this adventure luxury camp was going to be amazingly…um… luxurious! Our rooms had everything: some cupboards, 2 comfortable beds, and even two bathrooms (one of them having a bathtub)! We had lunch and then set off towards Kyari village for a walk. We came back, had some snacks and watched a movie on tigers. Later, we ate dinner and went to bed happily (some of us even had a tuck party), curious, waiting to find out what the next day had in store for us.
On Tuesday, after having our hot chocolate at around 6:30 am, we were divided into two groups to go birdwatching in the village. We spotted many birds, like kingfishers and eagles. After breakfast, we did some team building activities in 2 teams (Tigers and Lions). We were very excited about the jungle safari That we were going for after lunch. We were divided into several groups, from which only one gypsy was able to spot the tiger. But still, most of us were lucky enough to sight some deer, elephants and peacocks. We had an extremely fun game of musical chairs on our return,followed by dinner.
The next day, we had hot chocolate and climbed up a hill to a temple. OMG! The view from the top of the hill was so beautiful! I seriously wanted to stay there all day and just keep looking down towards the beautiful village. After coming back to our resort, we had our breakfast and then went for a visit to the village school where we did a colouring activity with class one students. It was also one of our classmate's birthday, so we got to share the sweets with them. While coming back, our teachers gave us a surprise: we were going to take a break at the Khichdi River to do some water splashing! We walked back soaking wet, but it was the highlight of the trip for us. We then did some girls vs boys games (team Tigers did tent pitching and team Lions played speed ball) and later went into the activity room to watch the plays and dances that we all had prepared. But, before we did that, we realized that there was a special visitor waiting for us in the room: a singer who was about to sing some beautiful songs for us. We did the cake cutting ceremony for the birthday boy while singing "Happy Birthday." The performances were amazing. We had dinner and went to sleep. Our last day at Jim Corbett had gone really well.
As we were stepping into our buses on the last day, we all were feeling sad about leaving this wonderful place. Although we were excited to meet our parents after four days, we wanted to extend this trip by just one more day. Again, we stopped at Gajraula for a hearty lunch. This time we were treated to ice-cream as well. As we entered the school gate on our buses, we ran to meet our parents waiting so eagerly for us. Not only did we carry our backpacks with dirty clothes in it, but also had our hearts filled with beautiful memories that we would always cherish.
Avni Gandhi V – B
I had never been on a camp before, so you could guess that I was scared.
This camp was such a lovely camp that I will never forget. The bus took six hours. My friends and I were sitting on the rear seats of the bus. After two hours, we stopped at a hotel called Haveli, to eat our breakfast. Four hours passed and we reached our destination,Jim Corbett National Park. The sun was shining and the birds were singing their song. Jeeps were waiting for us. My friends (Kavya, Kyra, Priyanshi, Leela, Amairaa, Zayra and I took the same jeep. We were laughing while the jeep was zooming along the narrow path. We also crossed a river and passed cottages with colours around them. We at last crossed the last cottage and were standing outside the Iris Resort where we were to stay. There were plants everywhere. Everyone ate a quick lunch and gathered their bags and went to see the rooms. I shared a room with my friends. The room was very nice with a huge cozy bed and large windows.
The next few days passed in a whirl. We went bird watching every day and saw beautiful birds. We woke up so early that many didn't have time to change and were still in their pyjamas. We played games and even visited a school. We painted with the children there and sang songs. One day we went and saw the village. Time passed so quickly because I really enjoyed it. We also went on a Safari. My group saw an elephant pack with a baby elephant, monkeys, rooster, deer and eagles. I had so much fun that I forgot that I was leaving the next day from Jim Corbett. That same evening my friends and I had prepared a play. Everyone laughed so much, because it was funny. Now the last day had come and we were about to leave. Bye bye, Jim Corbett National Park, this was a lovely experience!
Radha Ihre Kaul V- C

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