School Camps 2019
Class 5

Class 5 - Iris, Jim Corbett National Park, Ramnagar, (Uttrakhand)
25th - 28th February, 2019

This year class v went to Jim Corbett. We stayed at Camp Iris and had lots of fun. Let me tell you how.
Monday - 25/2/2019 - We woke up at 04:30 a.m. and reached school all excited at 05:30 a.m. We travelled all day to reach camp Iris late in the evening. We went on a nature walk seeing the forest around our camp. Since we reached late and were all extremely tired, we had a hot dinner and went to our cottages. That night I slept well.
Tuesday - 26/2/2019 - That day I was perhaps the second person to have woken up. We had a light breakfast and had to collect in the assembly area. We formed lines according to our sections and went on a birdwatching walk. We saw many different birds - the Lapwing, the Indian Roller and many more. All the birds were really beautiful.
After that, we went the Kosi river's shallow parts. From the river's shore we all collected stones. I collected some 58 myself. All of a wide variety of colours, shapes and patterns. Each stone changed colour or turned a lighter shade when put in water. Later, after lunch, we went on a jungle safari that was about two hours long. We all hoped to see a tiger but only two gypsies (jeeps) managed to see one (after a lot of patience). One gypsy out of seventeen saw the tiger walking just in front of them. The other vehicle saw another tiger (maybe the same one, who knows), in a bush.
That was the day that I slept on the floor, (everyone had to at least once). I was awake throughout the night. Finally, when I just could not take it anymore I got up and went to the bed. Apparently I went at 06:50 a.m... So, it didn't really make a difference. I got my ten minutes of sleep before I woke up at 07:00 a.m.…again.
Wednesday - 27/2/2019 - On the last day we went on a village walk and saw two treehouses made by eighth graders of Pathways school. In the village called Kyari we saw the village school as well. After another great night we left for home. We woke up at 04:30 a.m. and left at 06:00 a.m., in the dark. We reached school at an awesome time all thanks to our wonderful teachers. Instead of reaching at 06:00 p.m. in the evening we reached at 02:15 p.m. in the afternoon.
All in all, everything was awesome, the food, the beds, the walks and the activities. Thank you to the teachers of VVS and to Camp Iris for their hospitality. We are all missing the adventure camp already. - Abeer Datta 5A

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