School Camps 2019
Class 8

Class 8 - Camp Dogadda near Kotdwar, Garhwal (Uttarakhand)
25th - 28th February, 2019

This year class 8 went to camp Dogadda for our annual school camps. The journey to the campsite in both buses, I am sure, was extremely noisy! We had a great time on the journey there, teachers, we hope you did too! As we reached Kotdwar, we were taken of the buses and loaded on to small jeeps that would take us uphill. The ride up was definitely... interesting! As we approached the camp we were made to get off and walk there. It was tiring. After we freshened up we were given our lunches. Soon after we were briefed about our tent allocation and then sent off to unpack. When we came down we were divided into groups and that's when the adventure began.

The first day we went for a tour/walk and trekked around the campus to adjust to the altitude. After we came back we had tea and snacks and not too long later we were served dinner. The next day the major activities began. Day 2 was going to push us beyond our limits. The three activities we had to finish were Farming, high rope course and low rope course. Whichever of the three we couldn't finish we did the next day. All the activities were well organised and challenging in an experiential way. We all learnt something from them. The night of day 2 was really interesting. We had to form a Human table and see who could hold it the longest. The timing still stays 1:13:50(milliseconds). The next day after the third activity and the time to rest we were allotted our groups for the Helter Skelter. The group names were quite original. There was Helter Skeletons, Camp Champs, Teri To.. and Apna Time Ayega. We had activities like Ninja Strike, Bulls eye and many more. After the Helter Skelter many people were down and so they went up to their tents. Everything went downhill from there. After everyone settled down we proceeded. The next day we were leaving. Everyone was sad. After about halfway, we got to eat McDonald's!
A sincere thank you to teachers for everything, especially the Burgers!
- Sara Jayakumar 8A

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