School Camps 2020
Class 3

Class 3 - Adventure Camp - Bull's Camp Pahadi
I was very excited when I woke up in the morning to go to my first Adventure Camp. I was so thrilled about reaching quickly that I tripped while walking to the gate, carrying my suitcase.
The class III students went to Bull's Camp, Pahadi. We were very hungry when we reached, and got really yummy breakfast to fill our tummy! After breakfast the teachers told us which tent each of us would be in. The tent was big and looked like a hut, and I was very happy to be together with my best friends.
The first activity we did was to get divided into groups and choose names for them. The names we chose were 'Alpha Pigs', 'Cool Cats', 'Star Pups' and 'MHE Tigers'. In our groups we made our flag and played games. Then we had lunch and played in the garden. After everyone finished we went back to our group and played my favourite game from the trip, Duck Duck Goose!
Then we got some bournvita milk to drink. After that we listened to music and watched a video of Amazing Animals while having vegetable soup and popcorn. Soon we ate our dinner and went to our tents to sleep. The best part was we told each other spooky stories and slept really late!
The next morning we went on a very long hike to see the Damdama forest and lake. When we entered the forest, it looked very dark, but we got used to it. Then we saw the Damdama Lake and wondered why it looked so dry and shallow. The dogs that were from around that area went into the lake and only half of their legs were under water. The teachers then told us to cross through a place where there were many thorns.
On the other side of our thorny path were our buses. Ajay Sir and Nishita Ma'am told us to make a line to get inside the buses. When we reached back to the camp we had yummy yummy pasta for lunch and were sent to our groups to do four activities. The activities we did were, a treasure hunt, an obstacle course, pottery and stone art (sticking stones and painting on them). After the 4 activities we got to see some videos of cats while drinking tomato soup. Soon we ate our dinner and went back to our tents to tell each other jokes. It rained heavily at night. While I slept someone took my blanket away, so I searched for it, but the only one I could find was a little wet which soon dried.
The last morning we drank hot chocolate and had our breakfast and went to our groups to learn a new game. It was like Chinese Whispers and the 'Cool Cats' won. Then we had our lunch, went to our buses to go back to school.
I got home and my parents asked me how was the trip. I thought, "I didn't miss you at all!"
Tarangini Sethi 3A

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