School Camps 2020
Class 5

Class 5 - Jim Corbett National Park, Ramnagar, (Uttrakhand)
This year children from class 5 went to the Jim Corbett National Park for a school camp. Jim Corbett National Park is a wild life sanctuary and the oldest national park of India. It is famous for having the Royal Bengal tiger, elephants and leopards among many other animals. Although I have been to Jim Corbett before, I was very excited to go there with my friends.
On 3rd March, we started early in the morning and reached the resort in the afternoon. On the first day, we went to a place called Kyaari Gaon. On the way, we saw many beautiful trees, a lantana flower and a kingfisher bird. In the village, I got to see the village houses, the cows and buffaloes and even got a chance to cut grass on a grass cutting machine.
Next day, we left early in the morning for bird-watching. I spotted quite a few birds like bulbuls but spotting the Great Hornbill was most fascinating. Later on, we went for some river-splashing fun. Closer to evening was the time for jungle safari for which we were divided into groups and seated in gypsies. We saw many different animals like the deer and peacocks, unfortunately only a few of the children were able to spot a tiger.
The next day we had gone for trekking over the river bridge and once again got to know of some very unusual animal behaviour. Later in the day, we enjoyed ourselves at the resort presenting a talent show.
On Friday the 6th, we headed back for Delhi and reached in the evening. Now back home, I miss all the fun we had and am looking forward to the next adventure.
Kushagra Thakur 5

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