School Camps 2020
Class 4

Class 4 - Garh Mukteshwar, (Uttar Pradesh)
Day 1
It was a cool morning on March 3rd when we excitedly began our journey to Garh Mukteshwar. It was a comfortable 4-hour drive to the resort. The resort had old fashioned cottages surrounded by dense green mango trees. On our arrival the staff offered us nimbu pani and pakoras. We were then assigned our rooms post which we had a delicious lunch. We were then divided into 3 groups and each group got a different activity like candle making, zip lining and burma bridge. We all got to experience these activities over the next two days. Zip lining was a great hit amongst us all. Later that evening we put up a show of dances, plays and riddles for each other. We then had a wholesome dinner, lay on our cozy beds and drifted into sleep.
Day 2
The next morning was bright and sunny. Close to the cottage was a lush green field where we ran around and played a game of catch. After which we rushed to the dining hall for a lavish breakfast of scrambled eggs, corn flakes and orange juice. The day was spent completing all the activities which we had started the day before. In the evening an astronomer gave us an interesting talk on a refracting and reflecting telescope and the universe. We had some mouthwatering chinese dinner and decided to sleep early.
Day 3
The morning after, we woke up really early. We had our breakfast and then set off for the flour mill. There we learnt how wheat grains are converted into flour in a mill powered by water. Our next stop was at the brick kiln. It was fascinating to see how they were given shape and then baked at a temperature at 1100 C. We then visited a sugar cane factory, and saw how sugarcane is turned into jaggery and the leftover waste is used as fuel. This was followed by a quick lunch and a cat nap. In the evening we went for a really fun bullock cart ride and chatted along the way. In the evening we saw a movie on the River Ganga, on how tigers are facing extinction. We had a delicious dinner of manchurian noodles. It started raining cats and dogs but fortunately we were tucked into our beds by then.
Day 4
Finally, it was the last day of camp and we never realized how fast time went by. It was still pouring in the morning and we went for breakfast with an army of umbrellas to protect us from the rain. We had an early lunch of naan, jeera rice, dal and vanilla ice cream for dessert. We left for Delhi at noon but it continued raining heavily even after we reached school. We were happy to see our parents but also sad that the camp got over so soon. This was the most fabulous and fun adventure camp we have had so far.
Veer Ramchandani Class 4 C
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